Friday, November 29, 2019
Ku Klux Klan Essays (414 words) - Religion, Culture,
Ku Klux Klan Prejudice comes in many forms. Two such forms of extreme prejudice are the Salem witch-hunts and the Ku Klux Klan. In the colonial time, from 1700 to 1775, the Salem witch-hunts took place. The KKK originated after the civil war and is still going on today. These two groups based their prejudice on religious beliefs. People from many different cultures founded our nation, which gives us a unique diversity that was and is not always respected. The Ku Klux Klan states they are based on Christianity and uses such symbols as the flaming cross. Burning the cross is supposed to represent opposition to tyranny and obedience to God. The KKK believes they are superior to all non-whites. The people responsible for the Salem witch-hunts feared and persecuted those whom didnt share religious and personal beliefs. A way of testing your beliefs was being forced to recite the 10 commandments without falter. Ku Klux Klan often expressed their beliefs by putting burning crosses in non-white homes, se tting homes and businesses on fire, and even hanging non-whites. In the same way, the witch-hunts would force those who were prosecuted to confess and incriminate, if not, they would be hung, burned, or in one case smashed to death. Both groups use Christianity against other people that differed from them. The KKK was an underground organization, and used robes and hoods to disguise themselves. Rarely did members become publicly known because they were denounced by majority of society. Public leaders such as, reverends and government officials conducted the Salem witch-hunts. The trials were often public events that were well attended by the general population. The Ku Klux Klan was not based on fear of non-whites, rather their own supremacy. While the witch-hunts feared those with different beliefs including what we would now consider, mentally disabled. What good are religious beliefs such as Christianity if they are twisted, warped, and used as an excuse for violence. The KKK can no longer get away with their violent acts because of their shrinking numbers and the prevalence of equal rights today. Hopefully nothing as severe as the witch-hunts could ecure today, although, the more recent McCarthy trials were similar in that they were based on fear. We are a nation of cultural diversity and that diversity should be respected, no one should have the right to force their beliefs on others. Social Issues
Monday, November 25, 2019
SPED818 Behavior Management by Dr. Maag Essay Example
SPED818 Behavior Management by Dr. Maag Essay Example SPED818 Behavior Management by Dr. Maag Paper SPED818 Behavior Management by Dr. Maag Paper Three-Term Contingency A,B,C AntecendentBehaviorConsequenceà Antecedet Circumstances that exist in an environment before a behavior is exhibited. Behavior What individuals doobservable action. Consequence affects future behavior by serving to either increase, decrease, or maintain it.à 2 forms:1. new stimulus is presented or added to the environment2. an already-present stimulus is avoided, termintated, or removed from the environment ABC Analysis Reasons 1. To get a general feel for the behavior of the student in order to help target the specific behavior to work on. 2. To determin, in a generally disruptive classroom, during a certain time of day, which students are the main disruptors.3. To get a fix on some environmental cuse to disruptive behavior: Is it occuring at a certain time each day? Is the teacher setting the students off by some cue? à discipline training that is expected to produce a specific character or pattern of beaver, esp training that produces moral or mental improvement. reinforcement increases the probability that the behavior it follows will reoccur punishment decreases the probability that the behavior it follows will reoccur reward (or prize) something given to a person for an accomplishment. applied behavior analysis application of principles of behavior modification as a systematic, performance-based, self-evaluative endeavor performance-based ABA is performance-based b/c its concerned with students behavior and the ways in which environmental factors affect its expression principles of behavior ABA uses this. derived from both lab and field studies that have identified lawful relations between behavior and the environmental variables that affect its occurrence. analytic ABA is analytic b/c functional relations b/t an intervention and a target behavior can be demonstrated. applied ABA is applied b/c it is characterized by the social importance of the behavior to be changed. paradigm set of rules and regulations that establish boundaries and explain how to solve problems within the given boundaries. differential diagnosis offers few practical solutions to our task of managing students challenging behaviors social reciprocity provides a framework for examining and developing classroom contexts that are conductive for promoting students appropriate behavior.. inclusive should provide a reasonable explanation for almost all behavior in which students engage verifiable able to be scientifically tested positive reinforcement is any stimulus, when presented after the occurrence of a behavior, that increases the future occurrence of that behavior superstitious behavior accidental association of a response and a positive reinforcer. conditioning repeatedly receiving reinforcement after the desired behavior occurs, students can make the association that certain behavior results in reinforcement. most likely to occur when reinforcement is administered immediately. premack principle states that a high-probability behavior is contingent on the occurrence of a low-probaility behavior. (moms rule) satiation when students have experienced the reinforcer to such an extent that it is no longer reinforcing. deprivation time prior to students receiving positive reinforcement free-access rule states that the max amount of a reinforcer available to students should be less than that which they would seek if they had free access to it. shaping process of reinforcing successively closer approximations to the target behavior. stimulus-response chain each response produces the discriminative stimulus (cue) for the next response (behavior) backward chaining terminal response in the chain is conditioned first. continuous reinforcement reinforcing every instance of the desirable behavioris used to set a new behavior primary reinforcer any stimulus that is reinforcing in itself (food, shelter, sleep, etc) conditioned reinforcer not originally reinforcing but acquires reinforcing power through association with a stimulus that is reinforcing (money, i.e.) generalized conditioned reinforcer can be exchanged for a limitless number of things (money is not only good for lamps and socks but many things) negative reinforcement certain stimuli whose removal immediately after we perform a behavior will increase the likelihood that we will perform that behavior in the future. negative reinforcement trap coercive relationships that often eve love between parents and children/parents and sometimes teachers/students students learn to behave in ways that allow them to escape aversive stimuli avoidance conditioning behavior is performed to prevent the occurrence of an aversive stimulus fixed ration schedule reinforcement occurs each time a set number of beavers of a particular type are performed variable-ratio schedule resembles fixed-ratio except that the number of responses required to receive reinforcement changes unpredictably from one to next fixed-interval schedule instance of a particular behavior being performed after a fixed period variable-interval time must elapse before reinforcement becomes available, rather than being constant, changes unpredictable from one reinforcement to next limited hold same as FI or VI schedule with slight modification,students must perform the beaver within a set amount of time after reinforcement becomes available. fixed-duration occurs after the behavior has ben engaged in for a certain continuous period. variable-duration amount of continuous time the behavior must be engaged in to produce reinforcement changes unpredictably from one reinforcement to next. application of contingent stimulus involves following a specific behavior with some stimulus (punishment is produced by this) contingent withdrawal of a positive reinforcer any positive reinforcer can become a punisher if it is removed after a problem behavior response cost some behavior costs the individuals something they like conditioned punishers often followed by type 1 or 2 punishment if there person continues to engage in the inappropriate behavior. extinction withholding reinforcement for a conditioned response spontaneous recovery reappearance of an extinguished behavior following a break forgetting decrease in behavior due to not being able to perform it for an amt of time stimulus control certain behaviors n the pretense of some stimuli and and not othersa phenomenon stimulus discrimintation procedure by which students learn to express appropriate behavior in the pretense of the right stimuli and not the wrong stimuli stimulus generalization opposite of stimulus discrimination occurs when individuals respond in a similar manner to different stimuli. fading gradual change of stimulus controlling a behavior, such that the behavior eventually occurs as the respond of a partially changed or completely new antecedent stimulus response class group of responses (behaviors) that have at least one characteristic in common differential reinforement reinforcing a certain behavior from a response class and extinguishing all other members of that class. duration per occurrance involves recording the length of time per episode that students engage in the target behavior latency recording recording how long it takes students to begin engaging in a behavior after instructing them to perform it interval recording measures the occurrence or nonoccurrence of behavior within specified time intervals partial interval recording only interested in whether the target behavior occurred at any time during the interval whole interal recording target behavior must be displayed for the entire duration of an interval time sampling recod the target behavior only if it occurs at the end of an interval placebo effect process by which individuals behavior changes as a result of believing that they received a treatment when, in reality, they received something that lacked any intrinsic treatment value. hawthorne effect phenomenon of working harder and producing more because of a feeling of participating in something new and special even when the innovations have no corrective merit. observer drift can result in different behaviors being observed and recorded than those originally targeted inter observer agreement determining the reliability of recording depends on establishing this. the extent to which two observers record the same behavior accurately permanent product and inter observer reliability % of agreement =agreements/agreements + disagreements x 100 frequency recording and inter observer reliability % of agreement = smaller number/larger number X 100 backup reinforcers items and activities that can be purchased using the conditioned reinforcerin this case, money token economy way to administer reinforcementstudents earn tokens that an be exchanged for a variety of backup reinforcers. behavioral contract written document specifying who is involved, what behaviors are targeted, when and where the behaviors are to be performed, and how much reinforcement students will receive. task record place on contract where the students progress can be recorded good behavior game examples of an interdependent group-orinented contingency scapegoating occurs when unpopular students are unfairly blamed by peers for all types of negative classroom outcomes and behaviors chart move modification of token economy where students connect two of the dots in a dot-to-dot pic when they perform a target behavior differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI) selecting and reinforcing behaviors that are topographically incompatible with the inappropriate behavior (synonymous with fair pair) Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) similar to DRI in that alternatives to the inappropriate behavior are reinforced. However, unlike DRI, the alt behavior is not topographically compatible with the inappropriate behaviorrather a replacement behavior. Differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) reinforcing students for not engaging in inappropriate behavior for a specified time. Differential reinforcement of low rates of behavior (DRL) involves reinforcing students when the target behavior is at a tolerable or desirable level. schedules of DRO reset schedule, fixed-interval, increasing-interval, progressive schedule interresponse time time that passes between occurrences of the inappropriate behavior
Friday, November 22, 2019
Nursing at Maternity Unite Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Nursing at Maternity Unite - Assignment Example With the increasing revolution in the technology and the rising demands of healthcare sector has resulted into the formation of a suitable job description of nurses in this unit. When I was hired as a nurse in the maternity department of the facility, I was given a job description which included almost all those factors regarding the duties and responsibilities, which I think are essential for a nurse to perform. According to this, I was required to perform the quality nursing process with utmost safety and care. Proper nursing interventions had to be provided during the post and ante partum period, along with managing the cases of mid-trimester abortion and preparing the patients for LSCS gynecological surgeries. Standard precautions have to be taken while performing clinical practices and giving guidelines to the patients. Moreover, we, the nurses, according to our job descriptions are required to foster good relations with our staff, patients, their families and every other person who is related to us in some way or the other. Education is the most essential aspect of our job descriptions which maintains that, to be a registered nurse at the maternity unit of the hospital, it is necessary that we have the Midwife/Registered Nurse diploma or a BNS degree. It is also mandatory to hole a current license of the practice and certificate of employment in order to render our services professionally. Moreover, the completion of 3 years of clinical experience has also been made mandatory. Thus, in all the ways and dimensions, does our job description require us to show a professional attitude and maintain a standard of the nursing services (Stanberry, 2000). Recruitment and Selection Process The recruitment and selection of employees, in my opinion, is one of the vital decisions which is undertaken to maintain a good staff. In many countries, the nurses and other hospital staff is recruited very carefully, keeping in view, their quality, education and standards of wo rking in mind. At our facility, the recruitment process requires filling up a form with complete employee profile, identity, education, experiences and other proficiencies. After the processing of this form, the employees are required to submit their references, license of registration, agreements to the terms and conditions and the samples of other documents. After performing other selection essentials, the nurses are hired officially to serve in the maternity department (Ueckert & Prokosch, 2002). The interview process also requires the employees to show the best possible understanding of all the medical concepts of nursing and things related to pregnancy, childbirth, traumas and other conditions. This standard matches the requirements of the nursing ââ¬Ëbest practicesââ¬â¢ and aligns the needs of recruiting nurses with the standardized procedure (NHS South East Coastââ¬â¢s Maternity Matters Programme, 2009). Performance Appraisal The performance appraisal of the nurses i s undertaken in our hospital at a regular basis. It is believed that
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Microhotels Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Microhotels - Research Paper Example The most distinguishing feature of micro-hotels therefore is the small room sizes coupled with the availability of the essential amenities within the space (Muther, 2014). Among the leading global brands of micro-hotels are Yotel, Nepcabs, Sleepbox and minute suites among many others. The above are brands just like any other and therefore engage in intense competition as they strive to grow their market shares. The development of micro-hotels is an avid portrayal of the adaptability of the hospitality industry. The unique type of hotels survives on a substantial market niche that requires a unique set of services from such facilities. The hotels main objective is to provide their customers with sleeping space. They do this by maximizing on the space. However, in order to retain a competitive advantage over the many similar hotels, various micro-hotels have begun expanding the nature of their services and products. Such companies as Yotel pride themselves in the provision of high quality services. The small rooms have warm showers and free Wi-Fi among other vital amenities that enhance the comfort and luxury of a hotel. Micro-hotels are relatively new concept in the hospitality industry. This makes it difficult to determine their position in the industry. However, the rapid nature of their expansion shows that they responded to a need in the society. Yotel for example introduced a new strategy to the business by opening a number of its outlets at some of the leading airports in the world. This way, the micro-hotel taps on a market comprising of travelers seeking to rest as they await their flights. In order to meet the demand of such group of customers, the group of micro-hotels formulated an hourly basis form of payment that enables a customer to rent a room for a couple of hours. Micro-hotels have become increasingly popular in the modern society owing to a number of factors key among which is their relatively low prices
Monday, November 18, 2019
Love - Law-Copyrights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Love - Law-Copyrights - Essay Example The law was later reviewed to include even works found in the cyberspace (Smith 2007). This law can therefore be used to charge Maruta. If Maruta is found guilty of copyright infringement, he may have to pay damages of over $250,000. This is the minimum damages paid in case the law against copyrighting is infringed. This may however vary depending on the duration of copyright and the average number of copies sold. If they are found to be high, then the damages will increase and may go up to millions of dollars to be paid to the owner of the copyrighted material. The second scenario cannot go to court and be charged with copyright infringement since he used the copied material to teach students. This is allowed in the Copyright Act section 106 which allows fair use of the copyrighted material in different situations and teaching is one of the situations. This therefore means that Maruta in this scenario was not acting against the law and hence cannot be charged or even be required to pay damages. The increase in internet connectivity and cyberspace expansion has led to an increase in the copyright infringement. Many cases are being presented in courts of copyright infringement. This has also led to a lot of money being spent by guilty individuals to pay the literary works ownersââ¬â¢ damages for the infringement. One such case took place in Minneapolis in June 2009. This was a case where the defendant Jammie Thomas-Rasset was found guilty on copyright infringement by the court for illegally sharing over 1700 songs all which amounted to over $80,000 (Sandoval June, 2009). The case was filed by the Recording Industry Association of America in 2007 for the 1700 songs copyrighted. They later however cut down that number to only 24 songs. The court ordered Jammie to pay damages to the recording company amounting to $1.92 million. This was because of the strict copyright infringement
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Ideological Messages in Film: The Blindside
Ideological Messages in Film: The Blindside Select a television drama or a film. Using relevant terms and concepts derived from genre analysis, narrative analysis, critical discourse analysis, semiotic analysis, or auteur analysis (you may use any or all of these methods), show how your chosen text constructs ideological messages. You must use secondary readings to support your analysis and include an APA bibliography at the end of your essay. Do not choose a television drama or a film covered in class. This essay will use a variety of different methods of analysis to show how the film The Blind Side constructs ideological messages. The film The Blind Side depicts the struggle of a Black American man to assimilate as part of a predominantly white American society. Michael Oher, the main protagonist presents the idea from the outset regarding how a black man experiences maltreatment and discriminative treatment from the white community, something that appears as a common trend in American mainstream ideologies. The film is hugely responsible for the deconstruction of the traditional perceptions, through the presentation of the Tuohy family creating alternative ideologies to dispel them. A persons ideology makes the culture more informed and therefore better adapted to make a judgement. Ideology differs from culture, in that it adds a political dimension to the discussion on culture. It suggests that relations of power shape the cultural and ideological landscape. (Storey, 2009). The Tuohys ideology is vastly different from the standard culture of the society. Because they play an influential role in the community, they have the audacity have to express their ideologies. It is hard in the beginning to show their different point of view, but they win the battle against their adversaries because Michael shows that he is different from the stereotypic character of a Black American. The ideology created here is formed mainly of concepts surrounding power, and this produces a platform for the prejudice to be dismissed. In this movie, the director shows how White Americans like the Tuohy family accept Michael for who he is. The ideological message portrayed is that he Is of an equal ability and have a right to the same right to the principles upheld by the family. The Tuohys become Michaels enduring guide as he makes a vast transformation, obtaining social acceptance, and involvement. From this sense, it can be perceived that Hancocks film depicts an ideology as it emphasizes the different issues of the society such as racism and cultural interaction, and how these are being dispelled by gracious acts from an unexpected source. Throughout the discussion of Michaels life, the film is depicted with flashbacks to contrast his past life from the current occurrences. In many cases such as the depiction of Michaels mother, these create ideological themes, enabling the audience to follow the wider story as it progresses. They are also vitally important details that help establish the main characters personality, through his protective and instinctive natures. The ideologies this creates are solely to gain and obtain an emotive engagement from the audience, giving context of the misfortunes he has undergone and the transformation he is now making. The film depicts the dilemma of Black Americans and integration into a White American family, and this ultimately provides this moral dilemma. Regardless of the magnitude of the gesture, the family are still going to be judged heavily for their kindness. The director, however, presents the the moral undertaking in a positive light throughout the film. Although negativity is presented, it is always eliminated. This ideological message portrays them as holding a hugely controversial moral standpoint. The large majority of the people actively looking to adopt in this country are white and for the most part they want white children, at least initially. (Bartholet, 1991) However, the ideology of repulsion is presented as a conflict of the film, within the Tuohys social surroundings. Since the socialite family are instrumental individuals, because of their wealth and notoriety people around them think that adopting Michael taints their good reputation. This is one of the major battles presented of the film as they choose between self-preservation and their controversial moral standpoint. Blacks are purposely portrayed in films with negative stereotypes that reinforced white supremacy over them. This has had a tremendous effect on our view of blacks since motion pictures have had more of an impact on the public mind than any other entertainment medium in the last ninety years. (Sampson, 1995) The contradictory theme in this, is that he is presented honourably, promoting his abilities rather than his skin colour. The further ideological messages of racism are made within the within the classroom. According to John Storey (2009), race and racism are not natural or inevitable phenomena; they have a history and are a result of human actions and interactions. He additionally is subject to discriminatory behaviour inside his classroom. His teacher demonstrates a recognition of his differences from the other more able students. It is a form of stereotype that the media continues to express towards its audience, in this case through subtle hints at his poor intellectual capacity. Another ideological construction that exists in this film is the socialites and the significance of their lifestyle in his transformation. This ideology shows the contrast of how a wealthy white woman is perceived in comparison to Michael and his inability to fend for himself due to his disadvantaged background. (Sorey, 2012) explains that the social construction of culture, and culture as a particular way of life, or expression of this particular way of living helps us to establish an understanding of the shared values of a group or class of people. Being a wealthy, successful independent woman she is perceived as being of a high social order and highly intellectual. She is described as a flawless and sophisticated character that has special abilities and an exceptional eye for taste when it comes to her personal needs. Culture also plays an important role in establishing ideologies in the film. People have different culture, but through cultural relativism, they become connected. There is no doubt that cultures differ in substantial ways, and that these differences have substantial psychological effects on the members of the culture. (Rozin, 2003) The Tuohys acknowledge Michaels cultural differences even though his social and family background seems improper because it contains imperfections. This message shows the Tuohys have a specific set of moral values. They believe that Black Americans are unacceptable within their community or surroundings because they are the root of negativities in the community. The Tuohys do not change this norm, but they create their own values by accepting Michael and believe in him and his capabilities as a person. Bibliography Bartholet, E. (1991) Where do black children belong? The politics of race matching in adoption, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 139(5), p. 1163. doi: 10.2307/3312364. Lam, E.R. and Szekely, K.S. (1987) Blacks in television: A selective, annotated bibliography, Journal of Popular Film and Television, 14(4), pp. 176-183. doi: 10.1080/01956051.1987.9944224. PORTRAYAL OF MINORITIES IN THE FILM, MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRIES (1998) Available at: (Accessed: 24 February 2017). Rozin, P. (2003) Five potential principles for understanding cultural differences in relation to individual differences, Journal of Research in Personality, 37(4), pp. 273-283. doi: 10.1016/s0092-6566(02)00566-4. Sampson, H.T. (1995) Blacks in black and white: A source book on black films. 2nd edn. New York, NY, United States: The Scarecrow Press. Storey, J.W. (2009) Cultural theory and popular culture: An introduction (5th edition). 5th edn. Harlow, England: Pearson Longman. Storey, J.W. (2012) Cultural theory and popular culture: An introduction (6th edition). 6th edn. Harlow, England: Pearson.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Fate in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Fate is one of the main themes in Romeo and Juliet, described as having power over many of the events in the play. Fate is often called upon, and blamed for tragic things that happen. Human weakness, the loss of self-control, is always the direct cause of a bad choice, and not fate itself. one of the most noted event is where fate is blamed for an accident, is when Romeo cries out the he by all accounts is fortune's fool. He claims that fate has brought on Mercutio's death, and has lead him to kill Tybalt in payback. In Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is upset at Mercutio's death and predicts that the ââ¬Å"days black fate on more days doth depend.â⬠Tybalt then re-enters and Romeo becomes more upset that Tybalt is proud with Mercutio being dead. Tybalt responds as expected and threatens Romeo. Romeo takes the threat, then fights Tybalt until Tybalt is finally killed. while many people may say that Romeo's sadness caused him to kill Tybalt, there is no evidence that fate had anything to do with it. Leaving was a choice that Romeo had, and would most likely have spared Tybalt's life and the penalty of his own death. Romeo's comment on black fate is a thought that foreshadows ill events in the future. While fate is viewed to have played an significant part in Juliet's death, it is instead Capulet's failing in loss of control, and the Friar's weakness to stay true to the reason that causes her death. The scene starts with Friar John entering to see Friar Laurence. When Friar John tells that he went to visit the sick first, Friar Laurence realizes the serious penalty of what may happen. As a result of Romeo not getting the Friar's letter, Romeo comes to believe that Juliet is dead and then kills himself. While at first it seems as though Romeo missing the letter is just pure bad luck, it is actually Friar John's choice not to go directly to Mantua, as ordered by Friar Laurence. maybe the final part of made-up fate neighboring the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is in the Capulet family tomb when Juliet awakens. Fate in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Fate is one of the main themes in Romeo and Juliet, described as having power over many of the events in the play. Fate is often called upon, and blamed for tragic things that happen. Human weakness, the loss of self-control, is always the direct cause of a bad choice, and not fate itself. one of the most noted event is where fate is blamed for an accident, is when Romeo cries out the he by all accounts is fortune's fool. He claims that fate has brought on Mercutio's death, and has lead him to kill Tybalt in payback. In Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is upset at Mercutio's death and predicts that the ââ¬Å"days black fate on more days doth depend.â⬠Tybalt then re-enters and Romeo becomes more upset that Tybalt is proud with Mercutio being dead. Tybalt responds as expected and threatens Romeo. Romeo takes the threat, then fights Tybalt until Tybalt is finally killed. while many people may say that Romeo's sadness caused him to kill Tybalt, there is no evidence that fate had anything to do with it. Leaving was a choice that Romeo had, and would most likely have spared Tybalt's life and the penalty of his own death. Romeo's comment on black fate is a thought that foreshadows ill events in the future. While fate is viewed to have played an significant part in Juliet's death, it is instead Capulet's failing in loss of control, and the Friar's weakness to stay true to the reason that causes her death. The scene starts with Friar John entering to see Friar Laurence. When Friar John tells that he went to visit the sick first, Friar Laurence realizes the serious penalty of what may happen. As a result of Romeo not getting the Friar's letter, Romeo comes to believe that Juliet is dead and then kills himself. While at first it seems as though Romeo missing the letter is just pure bad luck, it is actually Friar John's choice not to go directly to Mantua, as ordered by Friar Laurence. maybe the final part of made-up fate neighboring the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is in the Capulet family tomb when Juliet awakens.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Quran Essay Essay
Among the innumerable facts, this writing will contribute two facts only: First, the Quran contains many scientific facts that are only being found out recently. The Quranââ¬â¢s linguistic style is far superior then any other form of writing. Without a doubt men have negated and contested the truth and revelation from God including the Quran revealed to prophet Mohamed (sallahu alahi wa salaam). For that reason, men in their objection and adamant behavior suggested that the Quran is word of Mohamed or the Quran is created by Mohamed; such statement is away from the truth. Undoubtedly there are other verses in the Quran related to human development that will be understood in the future as our knowledge increases. â⬠In the Quran, Allah (subhanahu wa tala) also speaks about the Cerebrum: ( ) ( ) (Nay! If he (Abu Jahl) ceases not, We will catch him by the forelock (the front part of the brain also known as the prefrontal lobe) (15) A lying, sinful forelock! (96:15-16) Why does Allah describe the front part of the brain to be lying and sinful? In recent research scientists have found out that the prefrontal lobe actually controls a personââ¬â¢s decision making, cognitive behavior, personality expression, and moderating social behavior (Yang, Y Prefrontal structureâ⬠¦). This part of the brain also deals with the creation of thoughts and actions (Miller, Earl the prefrontal cortexâ⬠¦). This shows that the prefrontal lobe is the part of the brain that may engage in sinful behavior and entices someone to lie or not. This also shows that the Quran does confirm scientific facts and there is no way an unlettered nomadic Arab man[5] in the 7th century could have known these facts. The pagan Arabs of the 7th century were for the most part isolated from the two great empires[6] at that time. The two empires did not waste their time in conquering the vast Arabian deserts because of its plain and unattractive look. The Arabs had nothing, they didnââ¬â¢t have any monuments, and they didnââ¬â¢t have masterful pieces of art. Therefore the Arabs of Mecca[7] were not much of a concern to the two empires; as well the two empires were not willing to send their forces through the dangerous deserts. Thanks to this isolation, the Arabs were able to refine their language. After a few centuries, the Arabs had shaped their language into an eloquent language where everyman was known to be a poet. The Arabs prided themselves on their language. So much so, they would have tribal battles not with swords but rather their tongues and the losing tribe would be shamed. The pagan Arabs marveled at the amazing speech of the Quran. When a person speaks he is able to organize his thoughts, but a person is incapable of organizing their words based on what they are going to say later . For example, there are two ayahs that are very much the same one ayah states: ââ¬Å"Say (O Muhammad): Allah is enough as a witness between me and youâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ . The other ayah states: ââ¬Å"Say (O Muhammad): Allah is enough between me and you as a witnessâ⬠¦ â⬠The difference is sequence, in the first ayah Allah says ââ¬Å"witnessâ⬠first, and ââ¬Å"me and youââ¬â¢ later. The Quran is very sensitive to context, at the end of the first ayah Allah says ââ¬Å"â⬠¦he is the ever all knower, all seer of his slavesâ⬠. The ayah ends speaking about Allah, the word ââ¬Å"witnessâ⬠for Allah is used first so therefore the ayah begins with Allah and ends with Allah. While the second ayah ends with speaking about people it uses ââ¬Å"between me and youâ⬠first then ââ¬Å"witnessâ⬠second. So the ayah begins with speaking about people and ends with speaking with people. So what is about to be said in the future has a direct influence on how words are organized before. Humans are unable to do that. Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alahi wa salaam) was never known to be a composer of any types of poetry or any other forms of literature. So when they heard this literature they were amazed. ââ¬Å"Umar bin Al-Khattab was a great enemy of the prophet. He planned to kill the prophet, but on his way he was informed that his sister had joined the religion. He immediately changed course. Upon arrival he hit his sister. He regretted what he did so asked for the paper she was reading (containing ayahs of the Quran). Once he read it he immediately went to prophet (sallahu alahi wa salaam) and accepted Islamâ⬠. Umar bin Al-Khattab was a man that was amazed by the Quranââ¬â¢s linguistic style and its strong meaning. This is one of the many men who accepted Islam because of the Quranââ¬â¢s amazing speech. The famous Arab grammarian H. Gibb had this to say about the Quran: ââ¬Å"As a literary monument the Koran (referring to the Quran) thus stands by itself, a production unique to the Arabic literature, having neither forerunners nor successors in its own idiom. Muslims of all ages are united in proclaiming the inimitability not only of its contents but also of its styleâ⬠¦ and in forcing the High Arabic idiom into the expression of new ranges of thought the Koran develops a bold and strikingly effective rhetorical prose in which all the resources of syntactical modulation are exploited with great freedom and originality. John Penrice stated: ââ¬Å"That a competent knowledge of the Koran is indispensable as an introduction to the study of Arabic literature will be admitted by all who have advanced beyond the rudiments of the language. From the purity of its style and elegance of its diction it has come to be considered as the standard of Arabicâ⬠¦ â⬠These two men have an understanding of the linguis tic excellence of the Quran. Allah says: Do they not then consider the Quran carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many contradictions. (Quran 04:82). The Quran contains many palindromes; palindromes in many languages can only be done with one word. For example, in the English language the word Race Car can be written the same backward. In the Quran there are entire sentences that are palindromes. For example, in the Quran, Allah says: ( ) Magnify your Lord (Allah)! (Quran 74:3) In conclusion, the Quran has impacted the world in many ways. The Quran was not only sent to the desert Arabs but rather it was sent to all of mankind. Allah sends out a challenge, Allah (subhanahu wa tala) says: ( ) ââ¬Å"And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i. e. the Quran) to Our slave (Muhammad Peace be upon him), then produce a Surah of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allah, if you are truthful. â⬠(Quran 2:23) The Quran is a revelation from Allah and it was revealed upon the tongue of Muhammad (sallahu alahi wa salaam). The Quran contains many scientific facts ranging from embryology to the purpose of the frontal lobe. All of this presented in a beautiful linguistic form, so much so when the Quran is translated into English, the languageââ¬â¢s primitive level is unable to display the Quranââ¬â¢s linguistic beauty. This renders the English native unable to appreciate the Quran in a way the pagan Arabs of the 7th century were able. The Quran reaches the top level of eloquence in the Arabic language as well as other languages. The idea of Muhammad (sallahu alahi wa salaam) being able to go from being a unlettered man to the top author in the Arabic language is impossible on all plains of reality. Therefore, the only logical reason to say is that Muhammad (sallahu alahi wa salaam) has received revelation from the Almighty. QURAN: A REVELATION? Name: Harun O. G Course: GLE20 Teacher: Ms. Vacar Date: April 09, 2011 ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â 1]sallahu alahi wasalm means peace be upon him [2] Allah is the Arabic word for God and is preferred(to Muslims) [3] subhanahu wa tala means glorified and exalted be he(Allah) [4] Ayat: this is the plural version of Ayah, this word does not have a direct translation in English but the closest one is verse. In other places in the Quran ayah means signs. [5] According to sources Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alahi wasalm) was a illiterate man [6] Persian and Roman empire [7] Is found in Saudi Arabia and is the holiest city for Muslims
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A study to determine how managers and leaders can motivate a multicultural staff
Cox and Beale (1997 cited Harvey and Allard 2005) define diversity as a group of people in a social system that has different group ties. On the other hand, Thomas (1999 cited Harvey and Allard 2005:p3) defines diversity including not only differences but also similarities, indicating that diversity is ââ¬Å"individuals who are different in some ways and similar in othersâ⬠.As it was mentioned before, diversity in a workforce includes employees with a variety of backgrounds in terms of race, gender, education, sexual orientation among others. This study will be focused on the understanding of a cultural diverse workforce with the aim of examining its influences on management styles.For this, it is necessary to point out some important definitions and topics that are relevant to management style in an international and heterogeneous business environment to motivate employees. Hofstede, Trompenaars and Hall & Hall are three of the most important and significant contributors in wh at culture and workplace differences regard (Mullins, 2005).General Overview and History of the TopicThe term managing diversity is nowadays becoming more important to organisations, not only because they are interested in diverse groups or they are up to date with the Equal Opportunities legislation and policies, but because they are facing important challenges related to the management and development within a diverse workforce in order to survive in todayââ¬â¢s global marketplace (Edwards, 1991 cited Henderson 1994).Ten years ago, the majority of organisations did not think about diversity in the workplace with the intention of having benefit from it. Today, a vast percentage of organisations take advantage of diversity initiatives to enhance organisational performance and most important, they are committed to it (Berrios, 2003 cited Liberman, 2003).According to Mor Barak (2005), managing diversity is basically to bring together employees from different backgrounds. However, t his definition does not take into account the influence that it might have on management behaviours.According to Harvey and Allard (2005), diversity can affect peopleââ¬â¢s interactions in the workplace since it requires changes not only in the way people interact within each other, but also changes in the functionality of the organization, hence in the businessââ¬â¢ performance.Rationale For The StudyManaging diversity is a reality that all Multinationals and International companies are facing. Most organisations nowadays are adapting programmes to manage a culturally diverse workforce in order to fulfil their objectives and gain place in the global competitive marketplace, making the most of its employees potential.Globalisation is one of the reasons workers are moving across borders, increasing the heterogeneity of organisations and development of cross-cultural interaction in order to enhance alliances that go beyond differences such as race, gender, and others (Harris et al, 2004).Not going much further, the European Union is the most important phenomenon of cultural diversity that has happened in the last 20 years. With 25 different countries as members where all of them has different cultures, the EU has faced the challenges that globalisation has brought in order to reach common objectives such as encouraging innovation and business investment through Union identity and national diversity (European Union, 2006).In the early 21st century, organisations have been through important changes related to this trend of globalisation where not only factors such as international competitive pressure and business activities have taken place, but also the diversity of human capital from all around the world where cross-cultural interaction has been in expansion (Mullins, 2005).Therefore, it is important that these companies identify their strategies when managing cultural differences in order to have the right opportunities to gain competitive advantage (Sch neider and Barsoux, 2003).Nevertheless, there are also some risks than can bring difference of cultures in the workplace or business activities; consequently, it is vital that organisations understand that different cultures execute procedures differently (Pooley, 2005; Adler, 1983 cited Miroshnik, 2002).Furthermore, and being more specific, the management of these ethnically diverse workforce has been on the spot of many authors. As Tayeb (1996; p180-181) says ââ¬Å"the first step in the management of a diverse workforce is to recognise and value such diversityâ⬠, then he argues that ââ¬Å"once the diversity is recognised, the next step is to ensure that it is effectively utilised and handledâ⬠.In this case, utilising those differences contributes to an effective management, thus to bring opportunities for organisational learning and innovation creating competitive advantage in the global marketplace (Schneider and Bardoux, 2003; Mor Barak, 2005).To gain this, managers must have the needed skills to manage a multicultural workforce, this includes, having the ability to recognise and accept cultural differences between their workers as well as coordination, cooperation and communications (Lane et al, 1997; Ravlin et al cited Earley and Singh, 2000).Significance and the Importance of the StudyManaging culturally diverse workforce is nowadays a challenge for international managers. On one hand, diversity represents both differences and similarities that exists on individuals and which make them be unique from one to another (Buelens et al, 2002); and on the other hand Parekh (2000) defines culture as ââ¬Å"a system of beliefs and practices in terms of which a group of human beings understand, regulate and structure their individual and collective livesâ⬠.Thus, cultural diversity is a variety of cultural differences that requires awareness, understanding and acceptance of those differences by managers, making the most of them in order to gain po sitive outcomes (Scarborough, 2001; Littrell, 2002; Harris et al, 2004; Smith and Peterson, 2005).Cultural differences might have some influences in the way managers manage and motivate their culturally diverse team, and those ways or styles that are carried out in one culture are difficult to be implemented in another due to the difference of traditions, ways of doing things and values of that culture (Hofstede cited Evans et al cited Jackson, 1995).Therefore, further investigation is recommended to be developed to minimise cultural shock in management which could affect business performance. However, this study has been done to offer an up-to-date source of information about multicultural workforce and its influences on management style to motivate employees, which is going to be executed through secondary research.Hence, factors such as cultural diversity and management style should be analyzed in-depth in order to comprehend what may constrain managers of any multinational organ isation to adjust strategies to maintain the business addressed to its objectives.In this case, there have been other studies more related to the influence or impact of organisational and national culture on management styles and although managing diversity is a topic that has been researched for various authors, it can be said that managing and motivating a culturally diverse workforce is a relative new approach.Therefore, the purpose is to do academic research by studying the related existing literature reviews to analyse and understand the influence of a multicultural workforce in the management styles.Finally, a secondary aim of this research is to encourage people to take similar investigation so as to offer useful up-to-date sources that can help both organisations and researchers to acknowledge what is happening in international business and what forces are influencing the changes within organisations. A study to determine how managers and leaders can motivate a multicultural staff Cox and Beale (1997 cited Harvey and Allard 2005) define diversity as a group of people in a social system that has different group ties. On the other hand, Thomas (1999 cited Harvey and Allard 2005:p3) defines diversity including not only differences but also similarities, indicating that diversity is ââ¬Å"individuals who are different in some ways and similar in othersâ⬠.As it was mentioned before, diversity in a workforce includes employees with a variety of backgrounds in terms of race, gender, education, sexual orientation among others.This study will be focused on the understanding of a cultural diverse workforce with the aim of examining its influences on management styles.à For this, it is necessary to point out some important definitions and topics that are relevant to management style in an international and heterogeneous business environment to motivate employees.Hofstede, Trompenaars and Hall & Hall are three of the most important and significant contributors in what culture and workplace differences regard (Mullins, 2005).a)à à à à à General Overview and History of the TopicThe term managing diversity is nowadays becoming more important to organisations, not only because they are interested in diverse groups or they are up to date with the Equal Opportunities legislation and policies, but because they are facing important challenges related to the management and development within a diverse workforce in order to survive in todayââ¬â¢s global marketplace (Edwards, 1991 cited Henderson 1994).Ten years ago, the majority of organisations did not think about diversity in the workplace with the intention of having benefit from it. Today, a vast percentage of organisations take advantage of diversity initiatives to enhance organisational performance and most important, they are committed to it (Berrios, 2003 cited Liberman, 2003).According to Mor Barak (2005), managing diversity is basically to bring together employees from differe nt backgrounds. However, this definition does not take into account the influence that it might have on management behaviours.According to Harvey and Allard (2005), diversity can affect peopleââ¬â¢s interactions in the workplace since it requires changes not only in the way people interact within each other, but also changes in the functionality of the organization, hence in the businessââ¬â¢ performance.b)à à à à à Rationale For The StudyManaging diversity is a reality that all Multinationals and International companies are facing. Most organisations nowadays are adapting programmes to manage a culturally diverse workforce in order to fulfil their objectives and gain place in the global competitive marketplace, making the most of its employees potential.Globalisation is one of the reasons workers are moving across borders, increasing the heterogeneity of organisations and development of cross-cultural interaction in order to enhance alliances that go beyond differe nces such as race, gender, and others (Harris et al, 2004).Not going much further, the European Union is the most important phenomenon of cultural diversity that has happened in the last 20 years. With 25 different countries as members where all of them has different cultures, the EU has faced the challenges that globalisation has brought in order to reach common objectives such as encouraging innovation and business investment through Union identity and national diversity (European Union, 2006).In the early 21st century, organisations have been through important changes related to this trend of globalisation where not only factors such as international competitive pressure and business activities have taken place, but also the diversity of human capital from all around the world where cross-cultural interaction has been in expansion (Mullins, 2005).Therefore, it is important that these companies identify their strategies when managing cultural differences in order to have the right opportunities to gain competitive advantage (Schneider and Barsoux, 2003).Nevertheless, there are also some risks than can bring difference of cultures in the workplace or business activities; consequently, it is vital that organisations understand that different cultures execute procedures differently (Pooley, 2005; Adler, 1983 cited Miroshnik, 2002).Furthermore, and being more specific, the management of these ethnically diverse workforce has been on the spot of many authors. As Tayeb (1996; p180-181) says ââ¬Å"the first step in the management of a diverse workforce is to recognise and value such diversityâ⬠, then he argues that ââ¬Å"once the diversity is recognised, the next step is to ensure that it is effectively utilised and handledâ⬠.In this case, utilising those differences contributes to an effective management, thus to bring opportunities for organisational learning and innovation creating competitive advantage in the global marketplace (Schneider and Bardou x, 2003; Mor Barak, 2005).To gain this, managers must have the needed skills to manage a multicultural workforce, this includes, having the ability to recognise and accept cultural differences between their workers as well as coordination, cooperation and communications (Lane et al, 1997; Ravlin et al cited Earley and Singh, 2000).c)à à à à à Significance and the Importance of the StudyManaging culturally diverse workforce is nowadays a challenge for international managers. On one hand, diversity represents both differences and similarities that exists on individuals and which make them be unique from one to another (Buelens et al, 2002); and on the other hand Parekh (2000) defines culture as ââ¬Å"a system of beliefs and practices in terms of which a group of human beings understand, regulate and structure their individual and collective livesâ⬠.Thus, cultural diversity is a variety of cultural differences that requires awareness, understanding and acceptance of th ose differences by managers, making the most of them in order to gain positive outcomes (Scarborough, 2001; Littrell, 2002; Harris et al, 2004; Smith and Peterson, 2005).Cultural differences might have some influences in the way managers manage and motivate their culturally diverse team, and those ways or styles that are carried out in one culture are difficult to be implemented in another due to the difference of traditions, ways of doing things and values of that culture (Hofstede cited Evans et al cited Jackson, 1995).Therefore, further investigation is recommended to be developed to minimise cultural shock in management which could affect business performance. However, this study has been done to offer an up-to-date source of information about multicultural workforce and its influences on management style to motivate employees, which is going to be executed through secondary research.Hence, factors such as cultural diversity and management style should be analyzed in-depth in or der to comprehend what may constrain managers of any multinational organisation to adjust strategies to maintain the business addressed to its objectives.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Essay Experts Top 10 Lists of 2016
The Essay Experts Top 10 Lists of 2016 My blogging year would not be complete without the Essay Expertââ¬â¢s Top 10 Lists of 2016. Lists are so great arenââ¬â¢t they? Someone compiles stuff for us and we get to reap the rewards. Here are my faves from the past year, some looking back and some envisioning the future: Career Jobs 1. Top 10 Best Job Websites Whatever you think about this particular list, what strikes me about top 10 job site lists in general this year is that seems to top all of them. enables you to search millions of job listings and is reportedly ââ¬Å"user-friendly, uncluttered, and simple and easy to navigate.â⬠If youââ¬â¢re going to use a job search engine, is the one to use. Glassdoor is also a popular site for the information you can glean about companies that interest you. And I like that made this list since it shows the non-profit sector is going strong. Finally, I like this list because LinkedIn is on it. I donââ¬â¢t need to elaborate on that do I? ðŸâ¢â 2. Looking Ahead: 5 Top Job Trends to Watch in 2017 This white paper from Glassdoor, based on data from 2016, is enlightening as to what to look forward to in 2017. Predictions include more tech focus in all industries; a narrowing of the gender pay gap. 3. LinkedInââ¬â¢s Top 10 Skills of 2016 I wrote a blog on this in October, and it bears repeating. While other skills than these will certainly get you hired in some industries, LinkedInââ¬â¢s list points out a real trend. 4. The 25 Best Jobs of 2016 What do an orthodontist, accountant and nurse practitioner have in common? Theyââ¬â¢re all in the top 25 great jobs to have in 2016, or to look for in 2017, according to U.S. News World Report. (Why ââ¬Å"resume writerâ⬠is not on the list I canââ¬â¢t tell you!) 5. 36 Top Experts on the Best Career Resolutions for 2017 Big themes in this list of wisdom from top career experts include the importance of networking, professional development, and self-awareness. Read the article to get some creative ideas ââ¬â like checking out a website on whether your career might be automated ââ¬â and start planning for your career future! Technology 6. The 15 most exciting new tech products launching in 2017 Looks like Google is giving Apple and Microsoft a run for their money. And will Samsung recover from their disastrous year with a ââ¬Å"foldableâ⬠phone? Only time will tell. Why do I suddenly want one of everything? 7. 17 Tech Hacks Thatââ¬â¢ll Make You Feel Like a Boss From tricks for cleaning your keyboard to how to create a charging station out of a water bottle, these tech hacks have something for everyone to make life easier in 2017. I will definitely be implementing some of these ideas in the new year! Travel, World Books 8. 43 New York City Parking Holidays I wrote an article about the implications of so many holidays during the Jewish High Holidays this year. It seems 2017 will have just 43 special parking regulation days, not 45, which does not change my fascination with the list one bit. If youââ¬â¢re curious, take a look. I had not heard of some of these important days until viewing the list! 9. Best Trips from National Geographic Looking for a super-cool break from the daily grind? Here are some pretty amazing places to explore for a week, a month, or maybe a lifetime. 10. New Books to Sharpen Your Mind in 2017 I hope these non-fiction books come out on CD so I can ââ¬Å"readâ⬠them in my car. Iââ¬â¢m fascinated by most of these topics, from digital addictions to the power of meaning to why some ideas succeed and others fail. Iââ¬â¢m excited to train my brain in the coming year. What are your favorite lists looking back on 2016 or forward to 2017? Please share! Save Save Save Save Category:BloggingBy Brenda BernsteinDecember 27, 2016
Monday, November 4, 2019
Five Areas of Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Five Areas of Coaching - Essay Example The work of the company involves content development for Educational Institutions, Web sites, Writers, and Publishers. It furnishes content for advertisement companies and other agencies like tourism-related organizations. Hence, Johnââ¬â¢s job involves supervising content development works in the project he monitors. The projects he works on differ from time to time as the company needs to furnish content for travel agencies to educational institutions and even for Movie making organizations. The company used to follow project team model that separates production department from other departments. As to cope up with the competition in the market the company is implementing integrated matrix model that compels the production department to work in tandem with other departments like marketing and finance. As John is not familiar with this model, he is not able to communicate with other departments as well as human resources department and he is not able to get enough people to work on the projects he is in charge of. As he is expert in dealing with the people working under him he is not able to communicate or coordinate with the people who are equal in designation to him and some people who are superior to him. In the previous system he used to work with his subordinates for more time and communicate with peers and superiors for less amount of time and that suited his mentality and nature. However, now being unable to communicate with peers and superiors he is finding less time to spend with his wife and children. Hence, he fears that the future may result in spending less time with his family. In addition to that, he is scared of being successful in the company as he is in the past. The paper outlines the work and idea of coach of John on five areas; Personal Care, Couples, Family and Friends, Work and Community. John is a bachelor in Literature and has a diploma in management.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Shuttle Wagons Project Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Shuttle Wagons Project Plan - Essay Example After completion, the tunnel is meant to join the United Kingdom and France. It will be the longest underwater tunnel in the whole world with a total length of 50 kilometers. The tunnel is inherently a rail transport system, which will enable Eurotunnel, to avail a dive-on shuttle service for the normal road vehicles between the two terminals. Project background Eurotunnel contracted TransManche Link (TML) for the building of the channel tunnel. TML then subcontracted different roll shock manufactures for the buildings of the Shuttle Wagons. The project had a tight timescale and had heavy liquidated damages that were associated with the delays. This paper looks at the design and the manufacture of the transport vehicles called the Shuttle Wagons. The first half of the passenger shuttles comprises a locomotive, twelve single deck wagons for the coaches, the off-loaded wagon, and a loader wagon. The other half is comprised of a similar design but has a two-tier system of wagons for car s. Each single deck is designed to carry a coach while the double deck wagons are designed to carry a maximum of five cars in every deck, which adds up to ten in a single wagon (Harris, 2006 p32). The wagons were designed to enclose the passengers in the vehicles providing a fire resistance for thirty minutes. The reason for this design was that the journey from one terminal to another takes about five minutes. If, by chance, a fire started at the time the shuttle enters the tunnel, the fire would be contained up to the time the shuttle will reach the other end of the tunnel. The policy of keeping the passengers in the shuttle until the wagon reached its destination enables any residual incident to be dealt with in the specially designed emergency siding (Harris, 2006 p67). There was the need to have a drive on and off system that required the unrestricted access to the entire length of the twelve wagon units during the loading and the unloading process. The design concept also requ ired each wagon to be self-contained with a fire resisting enclosure for the whole journey; it was essential to have fire shutters at the end of each wagon. Identification of project management related issues The design parameters became a challenge and had to ensure that there is minimum protrusion into the wagon in practice. The design also had to incorporate pass doors through which passengers were expected to evacuate in case of emergencies like a fire outbreak, it has a minimum of 30 minutes of fire resistance and could withstand the pressure regime of the shuttle passing along the tunnel. The shutters also had to have a minimum leakage rate to maintain the least fire extinguishing concentration of Halon within the Wagon (Harris, 2006 p67). The major aspects of the design operation and construction of the channel tunnel required the approval of the intergovernmental commission. The major focus, at the beginning of the project, was on the safety, security, defense, and the envir onmental issues. This shows that at first the design parameters were not certain during the designing phase (Harris, 2006 p45). Partly in the middle of the project, it became emerged that the design changes
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